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General Terms and Conditions

In compliance with Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), we inform you that masski.com is an Internet domain and trademark registered by Central de reservas Masski, S.L., C.I.F. B19667575, registered in the Mercantile Reg. Of Granada, Presentation 1/146/353 Folio 58 and Protocol: 2018/661 / N / 30/05/2018, and located in Avenida Circunvalación, 15 - Alhendín - Granada.

General contracting conditions between masski.com and the user:

1. The user declares that he is of legal age (over 18 years of age) and has the necessary legal capacity to contract the services offered by the providers on the website of masski.com, in accordance with the conditions below, which he declares understand and accept

In the case of hiring by minors, the authorization of the parents or guardians is required to be able to enjoy the contracted service. Masski.com is not responsible for the veracity and accuracy of the data filled in by the user and therefore cannot verify their age.

The user undertakes to use the services and contents in our web environment in accordance with the Law and the general and particular terms and conditions of the services offered by masski.com at all times, and must refrain from using them to:

Enter data programs that are likely to cause damage to the computer systems of masski.com, its suppliers or third-party users of the internal network or of this web environment.
Unlawful activities, contrary to good faith, customs, morals or public order.
Perform activities that constitute a violation of the regulation on intellectual and industrial property or any other rule of the applicable legal system.
Reproduce, duplicate, sell or exploit any content of the Website for commercial purposes.

Disseminate content of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic nature, of apology of terrorism and / or that threaten human rights.
Transmit your username and password to unauthorized third parties, and you must immediately notify masski.com of access by an unauthorized user to such information.

2. By registering on masski.com, the user will choose a username and password and will later be confirmed by e-mail. The user must duly guard the passwords and passwords provided for access as a registered user, since they are personal and confidential, the user being responsible for their use by a third party to whom said user has provided them.

3. The user, to be able to contract the different services offered by masski.com, such as tourist services, ski pass, material rentals, among others, offered on the Masski.com website, as well as for the reception of newsletters with information on Offers must be registered as a client, for which purpose it declares that all information provided at the time of registration is true, complete and accurate and that in accordance with Organic Law 15/1999 on Protection of Personal Data, the person who registers expressly authorizes masski.com to proceed to include in an automated file the personal data that appear in the fields of the form because they are necessary for the adequate provision of its services such as: Reserve tourist services, packages, hotels, etc. and develop the services related to the commercialization of the referred services.

(a) Verify credit cards and other types of payment cards.
(b) Perform statistical analyzes.
(c) Comply with the accounting, billing and auditing requirements of masski.com.

It is indicated that the person in charge of the file is the company Central de reservas Masski, S.L., C.I.F. B19667575. Avd. Circunvalación, 15 - 18620 - Alhendín - Granada tfno .: 958 48 67 79, e-mail: reservas@masski.com, for the purposes of exercising the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition provided for in the Law. The communication of said data to third parties is expressly authorized when they are necessary for the adequate provision of the services that are contracted respecting at all times the legislation in force. Masski.com informs the user that if the data provided is associated with a purchase, in accordance with Spanish legislation masski.com will keep them, at least, for six years, so they cannot be deleted or rectified even if the user so I requested.

The user gives his express consent to receive electronic communications with advertising and commercial news from masski.com and the products or services that it markets or promotes. Masski.com makes available to users the means of contact referred to in the previous paragraph so that they revoke their consent.

The final prices indicated on the screen include the I.V.A. and any other taxes that were applicable to the rate in force at the time of contracting.

4. Masski.com has the necessary permits and licenses for the activities of a travel agency.

5. All content, brands, logos, drawings etc. listed on the Masski.com website, are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights that are expressly reserved by masski.com or, where appropriate, by the persons or companies listed as authors or rights holders. The violation of the above rights will be prosecuted in accordance with current legislation.
Therefore, the reproduction, exploitation, alteration, distribution or public communication by any title or means of all the contents of the Masski.com website for uses other than the legitimate information or contracting by the users of the services offered is prohibited. . In any case, prior written consent from masski.com will be necessary.

6. The user accepts that the legislation applicable to the operation of this service is Spanish. The Judges and Courts of the consumer's domicile will be competent to hear the differences arising from the interpretation or application of this clause.
The contents, products and services included in the Website are in accordance with Spanish legislation, and are not designed or directed to those persons residing in jurisdictions where their contents are not duly authorized. It is therefore up to users outside of Spain to verify the possibility of importing or using the products they request.

7. Masski.com undertakes to use the data included in the file, to respect its confidentiality and to use them in accordance with the purpose of the file, as well as to comply with its obligation to keep them and adapt all measures to avoid alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access in accordance with the provisions of the Security Measures Regulation of automated files containing personal data, approved by Royal Decree 994/1999, of July 11. The sending and sending of data that is made by the user through the website of masski.com or the information that it sends, is protected by the most modern electronic security techniques in the network. Likewise, the data supplied and stored in our databases are also protected by security systems that prevent access by unauthorized third parties to them. Masski.com makes its best efforts to have the most up-to-date systems for the effectiveness of these security systems.

8. The links to other web pages that appear on the pages of masski.com are managed by Central de reservas Masski, S.L., being the property of this company the following brands with web domain; educatravel.com, eissierranevada.com, locosporviajar.com, bookingsierranevada.com and playasonline.com

9. For the contracting of the tourist services offered by the providers of services or combined trips that appear in masski.com, the general contracting conditions of the provider in question must be accepted. The document in which the contract is formalized will be filed in a database accessible only by Central de reservas Masski, S.L., as responsible for it. The client can identify and correct the errors suffered in the introduction of data by communicating it to Masski, using the procedure provided in clause 3 of these conditions.

10. The user is responsible for providing their data correctly in the contracting processes established on the website of masski.com, paying special attention as regards the introduction of data related to the delivery address of orders and documents , as well as the names of the passengers as they appear on their ID or passport.

11. If any clause included in these general conditions is declared, totally or partially, null or ineffective, such nullity or ineffectiveness will affect only said provision or the part of it that is null or ineffective, the general conditions remaining in everything other, having such provision, or the part of it that is affected, not put.

12. PRIVACY POLICY: In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that the personal data that you provide will be incorporated and will be treated in the files Ownership of Central de reservas Masski, SL., in order to be able to attend your request and provide the requested service, as well as to keep you informed, even by electronic means, about issues related to the activity of the company and its services. Likewise, we inform you of the possibility of exercising, at any time, the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of your personal data by email to reservas@masski.com or by writing to Masski, Avd Circunvalación, 15 - 18620 - Alhendín - Granada

13. CANCELLATION CONDITIONS: All products offered on the masski.com website have their own cancellation conditions, which are explained both in the general information and in the specific information for each product.
Products that include accommodation or accommodation-only reservations will have their own cancellation conditions, which are those applied by the hotel establishment. These cancellation conditions can be consulted before proceeding to book the service.

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